Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Soundz of the South > Struggle, Hip Hop ‘n Poetry Session

The Soundz of the South ‘Struggle ‘n Poetry Session’ is back after a short recess. The short spell of recess was influenced largely by their tour around Europe, where they met different organisations for numerous engagements. They had a massive DON’T VOTE Campaign since the first quarter of the year. Now that the elections are history, the campaign has ceased. However, they are currently having a new theme ‘elections or no elections, we organise.’

The 1st of June 2014 saw artists, activists and community members converging at Makhaza Wetland Park Conference Hall for SOS > Struggle, Hip Hop ‘n Poetry - ELECTIONS OR NO ELECTIONS, WE ORGANISE Session. The session was hosted there due to bad weather. The audience was entertained by the likes of Acumen, Tshepo, Ithongo Lam, Styles, Innocent, Zee, Jah Fire, Sarhili a.k.a Karl Micx, Owza, Senior, Zealot, M’Zet, D.Y.V and others.

The part of the session that I particularly adored, even though I did not participate in it, was the debate around the theme and reflections on the political status quo (since people voted on the 7th of May 2014), in conjunction with the strike on the mines. What transpired later on is the fact that the Hall caretakers had a problem with the political discussions that took place. I suspect that the session won’t be hosted in the hall again when the bad weather occurs because Khusta asked the audience for alternative suggestions. That discussion could not be competed due to limited time constraints, but he suggested that the discussion should be carried on, on social networks.

Hereunder are some of the pictures taken at the session, courtesy of Amalahle Ashushu