Thursday, 31 July 2014

1st Anniversary of Amalahle Ashushu Blog

Yesterday, the 30th of July 2014, marked the first anniversary of Amalahle Ashushu blog. Since the 30th of July 2013, I have embarked on a passionate journey of experimental journalism and blogging; which has been astonishing, fruitful and educational to me. I did couple of email interviews with talented artists and I covered few underground Rhythm and Poetry sessions and events.

This blog has intensified my confidence as a writer due to the positive feedback I received from numerous readers. When I write, I strive to be as honest as I possibly can; even if that means I’m spilling my soul or selling myself short, or shooting myself on foot. Writing is poetry. It is the expression of the feeling that gyrates from within. That feeling should be expressed with no limits; and the art of reporting should be performed with no fear or favour.

Currently, the blog boasts with stats of over 2000 page views. To me, that’s an achievement because for each and every page view, there is a number of approximately one up to ten people who read the blog. I want to turn Amalahle Ashushu into a brand whereby I’ll do lots of works under that brand; but I do not want to divulge much on that regard. Please keep on reading my blog and share it with your friends. I appreciate each and every minute you utilize to read this blog.

Written by:

Amalahle Ashushu
